iTunes Connect rimarrà chiuso per ferie dal 21 al 27 Dicembre

Tutti gli sviluppatori sono stati avvisati da Apple tramite email che iTunes Connect, il sito per l’invio e la gestione delle app caricate su App Store e Mac App Store, rimarrà chiuso per ferie, come ogni anno, dal 21 al 27 Dicembre


Durante questa finestra non sarà possibile inviare nuove app per la revisione. Ecco il testo integrale in inglese inviato da Apple a tutti gli sviluppatori

“iTunes Connect will be temporarily unavailable from Saturday, December 21, to Friday, December 27, 2013.

During that time, iTunes Connect will not be accessible and you will not be able to submit any apps or In-App Purchases. Processing of any Newsstand Atom feeds will be delayed until after December 27. Sales and Trends reports via the Autoingestion tool will be available but may also be delayed.

Also, you should not schedule any pricing changes or apps to go live between those dates. Pricing changes scheduled to take effect in that date range will cause the app to become unavailable for purchase until after December 27. Similarly, apps scheduled to go live during that range will not be released until after December 27.

If you have any additional questions, use the Contact Us module on iTunes Connect.”


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