Tim Cook compare nelle lista delle 100 persone più influenti al mondo

Il Time ha appena pubblicato la lista delle 100 persone più influenti del mondo del 2012. Tim Cook, seguendo le orme di Steve Jobs, compare in questa lista seguito da molte altre persone di degno calibro.

Ogni voce all’interno della lista comprende una descrizione scritta dalle persone che conoscono l’uomo elencato. Nel caso di Cook, l’ex vicepresidente degli statisti Uniti e Membro del Consiglio di di Apple Al Gore ha fatto gli onori di casa. Gore ha Detto che Cook ha gia ” Portato la più Importante azienda Innovativa del Mondo a Nuove altezze realizzando al tempo Stesso importanti cambiamenti Politici Senza intoppi e brillantemente “.

Ecco l’intera descrizione scritta da Al Gore:

It is difficult to imagine a harder challenge than following the legendary Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple. Yet Tim Cook, a soft-spoken, genuinely humble and quietly intense son of an Alabama shipyard worker and a homemaker, hasn’t missed a single beat.

Fiercely protective of Jobs’ legacy and deeply immersed in Apple’s culture, Cook, 51, has already led the world’s most valuable and innovative company to new heights while implementing major policy changes smoothly and brilliantly.

He has indelibly imprinted his leadership on all areas of Apple — from managing its complex inner workings to identifying and shepherding new “insanely great” technology and design breakthroughs into the product pipeline.

Cook’s personal discipline, physical regimen and work hours reflect a philosophy summarized in his 2010 Auburn University commencement speech, in which he quoted President Lincoln: “I will prepare, and someday my chance will come.”

Highly ethical and always thoughtful, he projects calmness but can be tough as nails when necessary. Like the great conductor George Szell, Cook knows that his commitment to excellence is inseparable from the incredible ensemble he leads at Apple. Szell was noted for saying, “We begin where others leave off.”

Cook’s chance has come. What a beginning!



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